为提升我校同学的英语表达能力,锻炼语言应用能力,激发其国际化发展潜力,由共青团西北工业大学委员会主办,西北工业大学伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院团工委承办的第四届“星辰杯”英语演讲比赛于10月底拉开帷幕。本次比赛的主题为“the historical origin of hometown cuisine”,经过初赛的层层选拔,共有15名选手脱颖而出,成功晋级决赛。

2020年12月20日晚,第四届“星辰杯”英语演讲比赛决赛于教学东楼a座410报告厅拉开帷幕。玛丽女王工程学院副院长程茵、外国语学院刘美岩教授、高絜副教授、高葆华、tim kingham老师担任评委。比赛由2020级学生曲畅、雷博瀚主持。

李丰源同学声情并茂的向大家介绍了家乡的美食,并将美食的特点与当地风俗文化相联系,令在场观众更为深入了解到河南及其美食文化。"pragmatic and moderate, are the virtue and wisdom of chinese nation, and both of them construct the distinctive cuisine culture of henan province.”
江宇轩同学介绍了自己的家乡江西和当地的美食,引起了评委老师和同学们的浓厚兴趣。“my hometown, jiangxi, located in southern china, is a good district with abundant fish and rice. jiangxi cuisine has a long history, which is known as the "ninth major cuisine" in china. inheriting from the ancient "literati cuisine" in the tang dynasty, modest jiangxi people absorbed the advantages of different cuisines and finally formed jiangxi cuisine with unique local flavor. the main characteristic of jiangxi cuisine is the original flavor. it is salty and spicy, but not greasy.”
方竹韵同学分享了自己家乡四川的丰富美食文化。“sichuan has a very long pastahistory,which you must have heard of ,at least like sour and spicy vermicelli,the dandannoodles, comes from ancient porters who sold noodles on a pole in the street, the-pole was called biandan inchinese,that is why we havedandannoodles.”最终,这三位同学凭借着精彩的表现、丰富有趣的演讲内容斩获本次比赛的一等奖。此外,张都、侯思宇、叶千浩、冯卓雅、薛博恩同学获二等奖,林奕询、韩瑞峰、王子月、刘晓朋、朱妍霏同学获三等奖。


